Under the small town of Arcadia, lives a secret civilization of mighty trolls! The hit Netflix original series from Dreamworks Animation Television Trollhunters is taking over Funko! Grandiose in speech and with never-ending enthusiasm, Blinkous Galadrigal is the Chief Troll Advisor to Jim and his friends. He views himself as a mastermind and diligent trainer, though the rest of Trollkind considers him a crackpot for embracing Jim as the first ever human Trollhunter. Ages 3 and up.
Funko POP! TV Netflix Troll Hunters Blinkous Galadrigal Action Figure (Bundled with Pop Box Protector to Protect Display Box)
Under the small town of Arcadia, lives a secret civilization of mighty trolls! The hit Netflix original series from Dreamworks Animation Television…
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