First Balance Bike for Kids: The lightest and most exquisitely designed balance bike for your baby (2-3 years)! It will makes children get out of the room,bid farewell to electronic products, and create a happy childhood world!
2 IN 1 Kids Balance Bike Design: The kids bike comes in two modes. Balance bike without pedals for sliding to exercises children’s leg strength while Baby walker with pedals for ride promote the development of the balance.One bike can meet your kids all requirements at different ages.
Great Riding Toys Gift: The best first balance bike for your baby! It helps to develop babies balance, steering, coordination, control, good for training and improving kids’ motor skills and gain confidence at an early age.
Why KUSARKO Baby Balance Bike: specially adopted durable carbon steel frame structure, quick assembe, anti-vibration tires and limited 135° steering of the non-slip armrests which minimize the risk of injury during riding allows toddlers easy to gain joy indoors or outdoors.
Kind Warning: Adult supervision at all times during use is highly recommended. Please feel free to contact us if you have any concern.
Note:Its not a tricycle, back wheels dont expand.
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