S-EDF 90mm Semimetallic-Electric Ducted Fan series products,taking into account the toughness of plastic materials and the steeliness of metal materials,overcome many shortcomings of the above two materials.
The front half rectifier main cylinder is made of aluminum alloy,which has high strength and is not easy to deform,so as to avoid the blade scratching the inner wall of the main cylinder.It can de changed later to upgrade the rectifier port with larger horn diameter to meet the needs of FRP model aircraft products.
Another advantage of using the separated blade is that it is highly accurate,free and symmetrical assembly,convenient and flexible for dynamic balance test of the blade,fast pairing,and high test passing efficiency.
There is only 0.6mm gap between the blade and the main cylinder inside wall, so S-EDF has high efficiency.The blade adopts the imported carbon fiber mixed raw material developed by special technology,which is high strength and high toughness,not easy to deform,not easy to break under the pressure of certain strength,and the sound is clear and pure when rotating at high speed.
The second half of the main cylinder is made of mixed materials with special technology,which has high hardness and certain toughness.It is fixed with the metal motor,which can eliminate resonance to a certain extent and avoid adverse effects on the normal flight of the moder aircraft.
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